Saturday, May 18, 2013

Political blogging ... a final word.

The age old rhetorical question: What social/political/economic etc. problem(s) in America are solved by political blogging?

Indeed, hopefully on a good day political blogs are entertaining as this is the only thing a political blog can hope to "offer". Whereas the dailykos does political fundraising helping liberals get elected, most conservative/liberal blogs are only concerned w/"fund raising" for said blog owner. America, what a country!

Basically, no one's political position has ever been altered by political blogging. In fact, it has the opposite effect ie the echo chamber of most blogs just reinforces one's personal prejudices/biases.

And unfortunately, you can categorize cable news/political radio/newspapers in the same category as political blogging. A quest in amateurish futility as cable news/political radio/newspapers failed miserably re: Bush43's unwarranted/incompetent/inept/unconstitutional Iraq War.

And so it goes ...